83 Looking up computer station. 84 Computer station lookup failed. 85 Computer station found. 86 Pinging: %1 87 %dms 88 Timeout on ping. 89 None 90 Pinging address. 91 WinFax Ping Utility 92 Unable to browse the network 103 Windows sockets initialization failed. 5000 A blocking call was cancelled. 5036 If you are using a dial-up connection, make sure your connection is established, then retry. 5037 WSAENOTEMPTY 5038 WSAEPROCLIM 5039 WSAEUSERS 5040 WSAEDQUOT 5041 WSAESTALE 5042 WSAEREMOTE 5043 WSAEDISCON 5044 The underlying network subsystem is not ready for network communication. 5045 The Windows Sockets version requested is not supported by this implementation. 5046 The stack has not been successfully initialized. 5047 Computer station not found. 5048 Computer station not found, or server not responding. 5049 Non recoverable error. 5050 If you are using a dial-up connection, make sure your connection is established, then retry. 5051 No address, look for MX record.